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William Killen


From October 2018 through December 2022, NASA will mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo program, which landed a dozen Americans on the Moon between July 1969 and December 1972.

The arc through the word “Apollo” represents Earth’s limb, or horizon, as seen from a spacecraft. It serves as a reminder of how the first views of Earth from the Moon—one of NASA’s crowning achievements—forever transformed the way we see ourselves as human  beings. It also affirms NASA’s intention to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge and deliver on the promise of American Ingenuity and leadership in space.

The original Apollo emblem, adopted by the program in 1965, used drawings of the Moon and Earth linked by a double trajectory to portray President John F, Kennedy’s goal of “putting a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth” by the end of the 1960s.  In a similar fashion, the Apollo 50th anniversary logo describes a contemporary goal, with image of the Moon and Mars filling the first and second O’s, respectively, and the phases “Next Giant Leap” between the word “Apollo”.  Neil Armstrong declared his first step on the lunar surface from the ladder of the Eagle lander on July 20,1969, to be “one small step for a man, one giant leap for making.”  Today, NASA is working to return astronauts to the Moon to test technologies and techniques for the next giant leaps—challenging missions to Mars and other destinations in deep space.

The Apollo and Skylab Astronaut Rescue Team worked and served with pride, without recognition, and in harm’s way for NASA and our Nation.  This book is the overdue recognition the Astronaut Rescue Team never received.”

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Astronaut Rescue Team Book

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